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The following is an account from Michael Shane Daughtery, a former SWAT officer who was aggressively pursued by the Biden DOJ for peacefully participating in the Jan 6, 2021 protest.

Daughtery’s story was conveyed by journalist Sarah Fields via X, who writes “Just when you think his story cannot get crazier, it does. His story is one of full-on corruption.

Click into the post to read via X (and consider subscribing to Fields’ feed), or continue reading below.

My name is Michael Shane Daughtry and this is my January 6th Story.

I was a Police Officer with SWAT and Sniper Certifications, 20+ years Police experience and over a thousand hours of training. I’m also a Master Gunsmith with a Federal Firearms License and a Gunsmithing Business with over 10 years experience.

On January 6th 2021, I traveled to Washington DC with my wife Tammie to watch the Trump Rally. As the rally was completing, the President of the United States told the crowd to go to the West Lawn and “peacefully” protest, which we did. As we arrived at the West Lawn, the police officers removed the barricades and waved us onto the West Lawn. I had video of this but the FBI later raided my home and confiscated this Video. I never went into the Capital Building or damaged any property but I did later observe people causing damage to the Capital Building so I took a few pictures of these people and then returned to my motel room, we returned home the next morning.

This image of the January 6 riot, taken from a phone screen, is from a court document submitted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Washington, D.C. and highlights a man that prosecutors identify as Shane Daughtry.

On January 16th, I was charged with trespassing on the West Lawn on January 6th even though the President had ask me to go there and the police had moved the barricades and waved me onto the West Lawn.

The FBI contacted me around midnight and asked me to turn myself into the Federal Marshalls at the Federal Courthouse in Macon by 9:00 am the next morning. I voluntarily turned myself into the Federal Marshalls at the Federal Courthouse in Macon Ga. Upon arrival I was advised by Federal Marshalls that Pelham Police Investigator Adam Lamb, Assistant Chief Rod Williams and Chief Mccormick had turned me in to the FBI after finding out I was in DC.

In 2020 I was working as a Police Officer for the Pelham Police Department and also owned a Firearms Gunsmithing Company named “Cazy Coon Armory” My business was named after my pet Raccoon that was named Rocket but we always called him “Crazy Ole Coon”. On November 13th 2020, Pelham Police Department Investigator Adam Lamb had showed up to my home stating Police Cheif McCormack had fired me for having a Logo with a picture of a Racoon on it with the words “Crazy Coon Armory” telling me that the logo had the word “Coon” on it and that made it a Racist Logo. The police department said they didn’t know I had an outside business with that name even though it was on my resume and on my application for employment. I had also worked on several of of the Pelham Police Department weapons including pistols and full auto rifles at Crazy Coon Armory.

The paperwork they asked me to sign stated I was being fired for being a Racist. I refused to sign this separation letter. After I was fired, without even being giving a chance to resign, I decided to expose the Pelham Police Department and it’s very corrupt Chief for several of the crimes they had committed and were committing including insurance fraud, illegal gambling and cover ups. I was posting this corruption on my Facebook Page and the City of Pelhams Facebook Page every night which made the Police very angery and this was the reason for turning me into the FBI so they could silence me.

After the Marshalls read me this affidavit, I was put into a jail cell for several hours before being brought before a Federal Magistrate Judge. Even though I was a Law Enforcement Officer with no other criminal record, I was placed in handcuffs, leg irons and belly chains and was advised not to speak. And even though I’m a certified Law Enforcement Officer, have never been arrested or charged with any other crime in my life and had gotten up before daylight and driven over 100 miles to turn myself in, the judge advised me that I was a flight risk and ordered me to wear an ankle monitor, be place under House Arrest, placed on Pre Trial Probation, forced to post $25,000 bond and was placed on Tap 4 internet restrictions saying I couldn’t use any computers our internet. At that time I was not allowed to make a plea and was not allowed to plea until over 18 months later.

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