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(Natural News) A hospital physician from Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama recently penned a heart-wrenching story on social media about young, healthy patients dying from covid, begging her for vaccines. The alleged doctor, Brytney Cobia, says she holds their hand and tells them, “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” – before intubating them into a coma. Her Facebook post has gone viral, and her story has been shared over 686,000 times through a site called

Doctor pushes manipulative story to mock unvaccinated people and guilt the public into vaccinating

A closer inspection of the Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham tells a much different story. Brytney Cobia completely fabricated her story, and her name doesn’t even appear in the hospital’s directory. In fact, the hospital has not admitted a single pediatric patient for covid-19 since their data was made available, a year ago. And the average number of adult covid-19 patients from week-to-week ranges between 4 and 8 in a hospital with 449 hospital beds and 91 ICU beds. These beds are usually 70 – 90 percent full – not with covid patients, but with patients struggling from other, more serious health issues (many of which are related to the vaccines).

According to Grandview’s most recent data submitted for the week ending on July 9, 2021, the hospital bed capacity is 358.9 of 427.0 beds used (or 84.1% full). The ICU capacity is 83.9 of 91 beds used (or 92.2% full). The current capacity data for adult inpatient beds and ICU beds is about average for this hospital. More importantly, there have only been six hospital admissions for covid-19 during this 7-day period, and all of these admissions are for adult patients who can recover with the right treatment protocol. Moreover, neither Dr. Cobia nor the hospital has admitted a single healthy pediatric patient, according to publicly available information. The seven-day average for hospitalized covid-19 patients is a mere 7.4, and NONE of these are pediatric patients. Dr. Cobia appears to be lying to manipulate the public into thinking the vaccine is the only way to prevent death. She seems to be pushing out dangerous propaganda to coerce and “guilt” parents into vaccinating their children. A John Hopkins’s study finds that there have been zero covid deaths among healthy children across the nation, so there is zero justification to vaccinate kids.

Even more telling, there were 856 people who went to the hospital suspecting they have covid-19 during the last seven-day reporting cycle. A total of 285 of this cohort tested positive for covid-19, but according to the hospital’s data, only 6 of the people were actually admitted as patients. Some of these patients have even been fully vaccinated. This indicates that medical professionals like Dr. Cobia have inundated people with so much fear and propaganda, that people feel compelled to seek the ER when they feel unwell. However, most of these people (roughly 66 percent) don’t even have covid and are sent home to get well. Of the remaining 33 percent who test positive for covid-19 out of this cohort, only 2 percent (6 patients out of 285) need medical care. This medical care is needed because these patients are already suffering from underlying medical conditions (and vaccine damage) that make them more susceptible to complications from (any) infection.

(Related: Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots.)

According to the hospital’s data, there were NO young healthy covid patients “begging” for a vaccine



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