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(Natural News) With roughly half of the US population still deciding to reject the current Covid mRNA experimental vax, and the ‘Delta variant’ still not scaring enough people into taking the ‘big pharma concoction’, we’re not the least bit surprised that they’re already breaking out their next several ‘fear-this scenarios’, with the screenshot seen above of the August 13th issue of Newsweek hinting a ‘doomsday variant’ may be next.

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

In that story titled “A Doomsday COVID Variant Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say”, they laid it on thick from the start of their story, mentioning the alpha variant, the beta variant, the delta variant, the gamma variant and the lambda variant in the first few paragraphs.

With the purpose of their story made quite clear in the following two sentences taken from it:

He adds that his team’s analysis shows that almost every single one of the 100 million unvaccinated Americans who hasn’t had COVID-19 yet will likely get it in the coming months” and 

“…..if a large portion of the population continues to neglect vaccinations, then we’ll indeed end up permanently haunted by the virus”;

Their story also mentions the evil ‘Eta variant’, the ‘Kafkaesque-sounding Kappa variant’ and the infamous ‘Iota variant‘ that are now popping up across the world, that story reported that numerous such ‘variants’ are ‘showing signs of having unusual success in infecting fully vaccinated people’.

So while we at ANP had reported back in February of 2021 that any ‘vaccine’ created for Covid would likely fail because “they’d never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before”this ABC News in Australia story pointed out why it was so difficult to create such a ‘shot’, while warning way back in April of 2020 of nearly exactly what we’re witnessing now; the ‘vaxxed’ are still getting ‘Covid’.:

For those pinning their hopes on a COVID-19 vaccine to return life to normal, an Australian expert in vaccine development has a reality check — it probably won’t happen soon. 

The reality is that this particular coronavirus is posing challenges that scientists haven’t dealt with before, according to Ian Frazer from the University of Queensland. 

Professor Frazer was involved in the successful development of the vaccine for the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer — a vaccine which took years of work to develop. 

He said the challenge is that coronaviruses have historically been hard to make safe vaccines for, partly because the virus infects the upper respiratory tract, which our immune system isn’t great at protecting. 

And while we have vaccines for seasonal influenza, HPV and other diseases, creating a new vaccine isn’t as simple as taking an existing one and swapping the viruses, said Larisa Labzin, an immunologist from the University of Queensland. 

“For each virus or different bacterium that causes a disease, we need a different vaccine because the immune response that’s mounted is different,” Dr Labzin told ABC Science.

With the ‘common cold’ also caused by a ‘coronavirus’, can you imagine the ‘naming’ of the common cold viruses in such a manner as they’re doing Covid now? I can hear the doctor now: “Well, it looks like you’ve contracted the ‘Zeta variant’ of the common cold. Take the vaccine and call me in the morning”. 



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