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We’re not entirely sure how many American Airlines, Inc. flight delays or cancellations on Sunday are due to labor shortages, but Twitter has erupted with furious customers across the US who blame entire crews for not showing up and resulting in travel disruptions. 

From Las Vegas to Miami to Charlotte and many other airports, passengers are fed up with the airline carrier. They’re venting their frustration on Twitter this afternoon. 

Twitter user Ryan Petrosso spoke of canceled flights at Las Vegas Airport. He shows a video of understaffed representatives. 

People are complaining entire airplane crews aren’t showing up as the labor shortage deepens. Many people are stranded at airports and will likely either get hotel vouchers tonight or have to sleep in the airport. 

Labor shortages among airlines have been an ongoing travel crisis in the last few weeks. 

American Airlines, Spirit, and others canceled hundreds of flights in early August due to a lack of crew members. 

There are over 666 delays and 59 cancelations across the US today. We’re not exactly sure how many of these delays or cancellations are connected with labor shortages. 

Due to labor shortages across the US, American Airlines’ travel disruptions are completely unacceptable as it is an ongoing issue and doesn’t seem to be waning anytime soon. 



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