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Several Gold Star families have expressed how furious they were with President Joe Biden at the dignified transfer of the remains of 13 service members on Sunday.

Not only did many feel his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan led to their loved ones’ deaths, but they also noted that Biden seemed aloof, and self-absorbed, repeating stories about the loss of his own son from brain cancer, or — shockingly — checking his watch, as if he could not wait for these encounters to end.

Bidens appalling treatment of families whose loved ones had just died in the service of the country — and on a mission that would not have been necessary had he managed the withdrawal competently– stands in stark contrast to how President Donald Trump comforted the families of the fallen.

At Trump’s first address to Congress in 2017, he comforted Carryn Owens, widow of U.S. Navy Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens, who was the first to die in combat in his administration.  There was hardly a dry eye in the House chamber — or among the millions who watched Trump’s touching gesture on TV.

And yet the media continued to tell America that Trump had contempt for Gold Star families. It was a false narrative that they had spun ever since Khizr Khan denounced then-candidate Trump from the stage at the 2016 Democratic National convention. Trump responded — after being prodded to do so by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. We were then told that President Trump had been disrespectful in a phone call to the widow of another soldier — a claim disputed by then-Chief of Staff John Kelly, who lost his own son in combat. (A Democratic member of Congress, bizarrely, had been on the call.)



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