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(Natural News) Premier Dan Andrews of Victoria, Australia, has announced that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns are no longer enough to stop the spread of the “delta variant.” Now, “unvaccinated” people will have to be locked out of society.

In an announcement, Andrews, who a few weeks back lied about there being Chinese Germs in the Australian sewer system, suggested that people who refuse the jabs be branded as second-class citizens to help “flatten the curve.”

“To protect the health system, we’ve got everybody locked down,” Andrews said.

“We’re going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system we’re going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be. If you’re making the choice not to get vaccinated, then you’re making the wrong choice. You’re making the wrong choice.”

Andrews went on to call the unvaccinated a “pandemic” in and of themselves by their very existence, declaring that it will not be safe to reopen society as long as people who did not take the injections are allowed to roam free throughout the country.

“It’s not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus,” Andrews whined. “That’s what they’ll be, that’s what they’ll be doing.”

You can watch a video clip of Andrews speaking below:

Sydney officials admit lockdown “doesn’t work,” was only imposed because of “media pressure”

Over in Sydney, meanwhile, officials there recently admitted that a lockdown and curfew rule that was imposed did not work, and was only mandated because of pressure from the mainstream media.

Keeping people cooped up at home under threat of punishment did nothing to lower the number of new “cases” of the Fauci Flu, it turns out. Instead, all it did was hurt the economy and ruin morale.

The best thing to do is nothing, believe it or not. Letting the virus run its natural course would have caused it to long burn out by now, but that is no longer the case since millions of people have been injected with mystery substances that are contributing to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).

There would be no variants at all, in fact, had there never been mass vaccinations in the first place. The “fully vaccinated,” in other words, are directly to blame for the continued spread of dangerous Chinese Germs.



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