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(Natural News) The Google-owned YouTube video platform has flagged a video featuring former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard blasting the military-industrial complex for trying to ignite World War III rather than pursue diplomacy in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Marking the video as “inappropriate” and “offensive,” YouTube arbitrarily decided that Gabbard’s criticisms of the regime are simply not allowed on its platform, even though it was clipped from a segment on Fox News‘ “Ingraham Angle” with Laura Ingraham.

“Congresswoman, why are we talking about no-fly zones instead of the fact that for the first time we have President [Volodymyr] Zelensky stepping back from his earlier NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] wishes and even demands?” Ingraham asked Gabbard during the banned-from-YouTube segment.

Gabbard’s response was that the West has been trying to interfere with repeated attempts to settle the conflict peacefully because “it’s good for the military-industrial complex” to “have this proxy war with Russia, something that Hillary Clinton laid out just recently.”

Gabbard said she is extremely frustrated with the fact that nobody in U.S. positions of power seem to want to discuss a statement from Zelensky about being “open to the fact of saying, ‘Hey, yeah, maybe we’ll set this NATO membership thing aside.”

Zelensky also seems “willing to talk with Putin directly to negotiate,” Gabbard said, but the military-industrial complex will have none of it. Instead of peace, warmongers both in the government and the media are banging the drums of war because of how profitable it is for them.

“This war machine, this power elite in Washington, want to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan, turn into killing fields where this long-term insurgency is supported,” Gabbard said.

“And they bleed out and cripple, kill as many Russians as possible for who knows how long, and they’re really showing their real aim in the fact that they’re not taking action right now to end this conflict.”

YouTube: Transgender child mutilation is just fine, but don’t you dare talk about diplomatic solutions to the Ukraine crisis

Gabbard’s truth bombs were apparently too much for the “YouTube community,” which reported the video and had it flagged with a warning message.

“The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences,” the video now reads, requiring viewers to acknowledge that “Viewer discretion is advised” and to click a box saying “I understand and wish to proceed.”



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