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(Natural News) Another batch of Pfizer documents was issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last April 1 with the Pfizer trial data showing that natural immunity was as effective as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and that side effects of the jab were more severe in those under 55 years old.

Pfizer and the FDA also knew that people of all ages experienced temporary suppression of immune function for a week after the first dose.

But the most appalling of all is that Pfizer’s documents show they have not ruled out the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement or ADE. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is recorded as an “important potential risk” and as of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death.

A total of 38 cases were deadly and 65 were uncertain. (Related: Pfizer, FDA have known for decades that antibody-dependent enhancement occurs in the vaccinated; tried to cover it up.)

With another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents published last April 1, old suspicions have earned fresh support. The first bombshell revelation is that natural immunity really works and Pfizer has known it all along, according to “Rising” co-host Kim Iversen.

The clinical trial data revealed there was no difference in outcomes between those with previous COVID infection and those who got the shot. Neither group experienced severe infection. Natural immunity was also statistically similar to the shot in terms of the risk of infection.



Risk of side effects rises with additional COVID vaccine doses

The second revelation is that side effects from the vaccines were more severe in people aged 18 to 55 than those aged 55 and older. The risk of side effects also rose with additional doses, so the risk was greater after the second dose than the first.

The risk of severe COVID is significantly lower in younger people than those over 60 years old, which makes a high risk of side effects unacceptable.

“With a vaccine that is producing more frequent and more severe reactions and adverse events in younger individuals, the vaccine should have been restricted to those who were actually at risk of severe COVID-19,” wrote The Naked Emperor on Substack,

Pfizer’s documentation also includes medical information that mainstream media and fact checkers have called misinformation or disinformation. A pediatric consent form records several possible side effects, including a myocarditis rate of 10 in 100,000 which is far greater than the 1 in 50,000 rate earlier reported.

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