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Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News he is launching a new gun-rights group to combat the Biden administration and Democratic gun control groups. 

Called the “Second Amendment Task Force,” Trump Jr. will serve as the group chairman. The mission is clear: Protect Americans’ right to bear arms. 

“The Second Amendment is the whole ballgame; it’s the freedom that protects all of our other freedoms. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress are hellbent on eroding our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, whether it’s nominating radical gun-grabbers to senior positions in the executive branch or pushing anti-gun legislation,” Trump Jr. said. 

He explained more about his new gun-rights group: “The Second Amendment Task Force is entirely devoted to ensuring the Left is never successful in disarming American citizens.”

The group will also fight against Biden administration nominees for the ATF and Democrat legislative initiatives that could jeopardize Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Trump Jr. tweeted up a storm in the summer of 2021 against the Biden administration’s ATF nominee David Chipman. The nomination was eventually withdrawn because of Chipman’s radical views. Biden’s attempt to get gun-grabbing Chipman as ATF head inspired him to launch the group. 

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