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(Natural News) If any white conservative said some of the things Democrats of color say, they would be declared irreconcilable racists and banished from the planet.

Case in point: Vice President Kamala Harris suggested last week that disaster relief for those suffering fallout from Hurricane Ian should first go to minorities due to prioritizing “equity” over “equality.”

On Friday, Harris appeared with left-wing activist Priyanka Chopra at a women’s leadership forum in Washington, D.C. sponsored by the Democratic National Committee, The Daily Wire reported, when the subject of hurricane disaster relief was broached.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making,” the vice president said. “And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place.

“And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work,” Harris added.

Needless to say, Harris’ overtly racist, bigoted comments were immediately attacked.

“The response in my state of Florida has been incredible. My Governor and Floridians are handling the aftermath remarkably. Kamala is exploiting our misfortune to pander to a voter bloc ahead of the midterms,” noted Josie The Redheaded Libertarian.

You can’t make this up. Kamala Harris said the administration will be giving hurricane resources ‘based on equity’ by directing funds to ‘communities of color.’ I guess everyone else is just screwed,” Students for Trump founder Ron Fournier tweeted.

“Not that any conservative is this overtly racist, but just imagine if one was and said something this over the top in a public venue,” Conservative Brief editor Jon Dougherty noted.

Continue: Naturalnews.com


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