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(Natural News) The nation is laughing out loud after Congress hyena Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) preached an anti-gas stove sermon for the Church of the Greens this past week, claiming that natural gas causes brain damage in children. What AOC failed to mention, though, is that electric stoves are far worse.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields released by high-voltage power lines are “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” So far, not a single Democrat has addressed this fact in light of their push for more electric stoves, electric cars (EV), and electric everything.

Almost immediately after AOC started lecturing the world about the evils of gas stoves, a chorus of other Democrats, including Sen. Scott Wiener, did the very same thing – almost like they were all told to do this from a single source. And just like AOC, not a one of them mentioned anything about the dangers of the electric power lines that are needed to fuel their “green” utopia.

(Related: You know what else causes brain damage in children? Soybean oil, which is in just about everything.)

The “green” agenda is class warfare – the elite get all the nice “polluting” things while you cook your bugs on an electric burner

The most hilariously hypocritical element of this newfound anti-gas stove circus is that the vast majority of those involved have gas stoves themselves. Cooking with gas, after all, is superior, which is probably part of the reason why the “elite” want everyone else cooking with electric.

This is class warfare, in case you have not figured it all out yet. Under the guise of “saving the planet,” the political elite class is stripping Americans of their rights and liberties while at the same time enriching themselves with the best cookware, the best private airplanes, the best lavish estates – you get the drill.

A World Economic Forum (WEF) partner called “Carbon-Free Buildings” is reportedly behind the anti-gas stove agenda. Its CEO wants to rid the entire world of “carbon emissions” – this also includes humans, which are made of carbon.

The left really is scraping the bottom of the IQ barrel with this latest stunt, which is highly unlikely to go over well even among Democrats. People are tired of being told that everything they eat and do is destroying the planet – even while their “leaders” gallivant around the world with the finest luxuries.



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