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A man has claimed that his 74-year-old mother was paralysed due to late treatment for a stroke because he was stuck in traffic caused by an eco-extremist protest on Britain’s busiest motorway.

Insulate Britain has inherited the tactics of Extinction Rebellion, whose activists obstruct traffic in central London for hours at a time, to Britain’s busiest motorway, the M25, this time disrupting ordinary Britons travelling to the rest of the country.

“I was caught for about six hours in traffic. I was doing a mission of mercy to help my mother,” Chris told LBC host Andrew Pierce of a recent protest, explaining that he was forced to drive his mother, who was suspected of having had a stroke, himself because ambulance services were delayed.

“We got caught in this traffic [on the M25], and it should have been no longer than a half-an-hour, 40-minute [journey]. We were there for six hours,” he continued.

Struggling to contain the emotion in his voice, Chris continued: “I was in that car with my mother for six hours, watching her slip away in front of my very eyes, and I could do nothing. I couldn’t help her. At one point, she put her hand on my leg and looked at me and said, ‘Oh Chris, I don’t feel very well.’ And those were the last words she was able to speak to me.”

Continue reading: Breitbart.com


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