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(Natural News) According to the federal government, everything is just fine as far as the supply chain goes. In real life, however, grocery stores are starting to plaster up images of fake food on empty store shelves to make it appear as though things are fully stocked.

A London Tesco grocery store went viral on social media after a photo of an empty shelf covered by a fake food poster went viral. It depicted bundles of asparagus that do not exist inside empty produce boxes.

This is not the only store that is engaging in such deception. It would seem as though every country is experiencing some kind of supply chain problem at the current time. (RELATED: Biden wants to “fix” the supply chain problems he created by sending in the National Guard.)

The Biden regime says that all of this is a good thing, by the way. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that “most of the economic problems we’re facing (inflation, supply chains, etc.) are high class problems.”

In other words, only rich people are suffering, according to Biden’s people. Meanwhile, ordinary folks are having to pay double-digit percentage increases for food, if they can even find what they need at the grocery store anymore.

Watch the Situation Update with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, below to learn more:



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