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Democrats abuse children with mask mandates, COVID-19 fear-mongering, racial agitation marketed as “critical race theory,” and “transgender” ideology, Dr. Ben Carson, retired pediatric neurosurgeon, former Housing and Urban Development secretary, and Secretary and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, said on Tuesday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with special guest host Jerome Hudson.

Carson described Democrat hostility to standardized testing in the context of education — ostensibly out of opposition to “racism” — as degrading of ethnic and racial minorities framed by the left as oppressed by “systemic racism.”

He said, “It’s really quite insulting when they say, ‘Well, let’s get rid of the standardized testing because minority students aren’t going to do well in that,’ and trying to be precise and accurate, that’s ‘acting white.’ What a bunch of garbage.”

Masking children in schools amounts to “child abuse,” Carson held, remarking on how masks obstruct a central element of human communication — facial expressions  — and stultify social development and learning.

“It’s actually child abuse what they’re doing,” he said. “Can you imagine what it’s like to be a child today? A small child. You’ve got to wear a mask so you don’t get to see facial expressions. You miss out on a very important sociological development aspect of life.”

Carson warned of the dangers posed by COVID-19 fear-mongering and neo-Marxist narratives of racial hierarchies of victimization targeting children.

“Then you’re told you may be harboring some horrible disease, and even though you don’t feel bad, you may give it to your grandmother, and then grandmothers do get older and they do die,” he stated.” Now, you’re feeling guilty about that, and then if you’re white, you’re an oppressor, and if you’re black, you’re a victim, and all of this while you’re trying to develop self-image. Can you imagine what that feels like?”

Democrat and left-wing denial of human sexual dimorphism via implementation of “transgender” curriculum and indoctrination in schools confuses children, Carson noted.

He remarked, “If that’s not bad enough, you may not be a girl or a boy. You have got to be terribly confused.”

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