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(Natural News) Molecular biologist and expert on genetically modified organisms (GMO) and pesticides Gilles-Éric Séralini appeared with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., recently to discuss the trials he has faced ever since coming forward to expose the dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide.

Séralini, who currently serves as chairman of the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN), told Kennedy that Monsanto, the multinational corporation behind Roundup, went after him following the publishing of his 2012 study in Food and Chemical Toxicology showing that glyphosate causes cancer.

“He [did]something nobody else dared to do, which is to take the exact same test [on rats]that Monsanto did for 90 days and do it for two years instead, which is the typical lifespan of a rat,” Kennedy explained about Séralini’s work.

“And he found … 80 percent of the rats that consumed Roundup developed tumors compared to 30 percent in the control group. Not only that, but the tumors in the rats were 130 percent larger.”

Check out our earlier coverage to learn more about the Séralini saga, which began about a decade ago.

Former CIA and other intelligence assets launched witch hunt against Séralini

Immediately after Séralini’s study was published, Monsanto launched a crusade against him to try to suppress the research. The infamous Monsanto Papers revealed the company’s strategy.

It turns out that Kennedy was co-counsel on the legal team of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, which acquired the papers. Hundreds of thousands of documents were included, revealing for the first time Monsanto’s internal communications.

“We saw their strategy for destroying Professor Séralini’s reputation and getting his article retracted,” Kennedy says.

Monsanto then proceeded to hire former intelligence agents and other “hitmen” to try to destroy Séralini’s life and career, as well as that of his colleagues who were also involved in uncovering the truth.

“[Monsanto] had a number of strategies,” Kennedy said. “Each one of the strategies was designed to make sure that Monsanto – that Roundup – was not harmed by the science.”

“One of the strategies was called ‘Let Nothing Go.’ Another one was called ‘Freedom to Operate’ or FTO. Another was called ‘Whack-a-Mole.’ Every time a scientist would pop his head over the barricades and publish a study that showed that Roundup was unsafe, they would whack him.”



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