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(Natural NewsInfowars host Owen Shroyer got the chance to interview Francis Boyle, PhD, a lawyer and bioweapons expert, about the alleged biolabs in Ukraine. And his view is that they do exist and are being funded by the United States (aka American taxpayers).

The corporate-controlled media along with the Biden regime deny that these bioweapons facilities exist, claiming that this is all just “Russian propaganda.” But the truth, Boyle says, is that biological warfare is a Pentagon specialty.

“The Pentagon does not do missionary work,” Boyle joked about this evil entity. “They kill people, and that’s why they are there.”

Boyle played a primary role in drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was unanimously passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by then-president George Bush Sr. in May 1989. That Act prohibits the type of thing that the U.S. appears to be doing in Ukraine.

Everyone involved with these biolab operations, including the Biden crime family, is subject to life in prison for these crimes, if they can be proven. This explains the deep state’s mad scramble to cast these biolabs as something other than what they actually are.

One popular excuse is that the labs were used to develop “medicines” as opposed to weapons, though Russian authorities deny this. They claim to have evidence showing that the U.S. is building bioweapons to kill people, not developing drugs to help people.

The Pentagon’s plan was to surround Russia with bioweapons laboratories, says Boyle

The fact that U.S. officials first denied the existence of the biolabs, only to later admit that they do exist, but claims that they are harmless. This was a change in narrative right from the start and proves that the American government has something to hide.

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