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(Natural News) The top executives of ‘children’s entertainment’ king Disney have completely lost their minds as evidenced by leaked transcripts and videos of recent meetings in which they are discussing the kind of content they want in films and programming moving forward.

Culture warrior and researcher Chris F. Rufo of the Manhattan Institute has posted a series of videos in which CEO Karey Burke, who admits that she has “two queer children,” supports having those kinds of characters in more Disney films and projects, demanding that at least 50 percent of all movie characters are gay, transgender or racial minorities.

“SCOOP: Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, ‘as the mother [of]one transgender child and one pansexual child,’ she supports having ‘many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories’ and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities,” he wrote in one Twitter post containing video of Burke’s comments.

Also, Disney execs are getting rid of all references to gender, in an obvious woke pander to 0.0001 of the population.

“SCOOP: Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of ‘ladies,’ ‘gentlemen,’ ‘boys,’ and ‘girls’ in its theme parks in order to create ‘that magical moment’ for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles,” Rufo noted in another tweet containing a second video clip.

A third video posted by Rufo features an executive producer admitting that she and other producers who oppose Florida’s new law banning the discussion of sexual and gender ‘identity’ with K-3 students are intentionally “adding queerness” to films and programs aimed at polluting children’s minds, again to pander to a small sliver of the American public.

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