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Emmanuel Macron has doubled down on his green agenda in the hopes of wooing leftist voters as fear grows that populist Le Pen may snatch victory.

As France’s incumbent president Emmanuel Macron faces a mortal threat to his presidency in his populist opponent Marine Le Pen, the La République En Marche leader has decided to double down on his green agenda seemingly in the hopes of winning over hostile leftist voters.

Le Pen has traditionally been far less enthusiastic when it comes to green energy when compared with other presidential candidates, with Macron now seemingly betting that the distinction will end up being the key difference that lands him a second term in the Élysée.

According to a report by Le Monde, the current French president laid great emphasis on his Green New Deal-like politics during a meeting on Saturday, claiming that he would turn France into a “great environmental nation“.

“We have been twice as fast as the previous two five-year periods in reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” Macron claimed. “We have reduced them by 12% in five years.”

“But what the IPCC has told us again is that it’s not enough, we have to go twice as fast,” he continued. “You know what? We will do it.”

“The choice today is clear,” the President is also reported as saying. “The far-right is a climate-skeptic project, a project that wants to leave Europe’s climate ambitions, that wants to destroy windmills.”


Macron’s reference to windmills is seemingly a nod toward Le Pen’s desire to move France away from the use of wind farms, with the right-wing populist who is aiming to be France’s first woman president saying that she would implement a moratorium on new wind farms, and even aim to take down existing ones.

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