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(Natural News) After the news spread that Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) maims and sexually deconstructs children’s bodies for profit, George Soros-backed Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins swooped in to declare that anyone who has a problem with BCH’s transgender mutilation practices is guilty of a “hate crime.”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney issued an official notice on August 17 stating that “alleged threats” against BCH over its sexual assault against underage children’s bodies will not be tolerated.

“Children deserve an opportunity to thrive and grow as their own authentic selves,” the notice reads. “Parents / guardians and health care providers who support them in that journey should be allowed to do so free of threats and harassment.”

The letter goes on to reiterate that Joe Biden’s DOJ will “ensure equal protection of transgender people under the law,” adding a quote from Attorney General Merrick Garland referring to those who oppose the transgender mutilation of children as “hate crimes.”

Garland also believes that butchering children’s bodies by cutting off their genitals and feeding them gender-bending pharmaceuticals is a “legal and … moral obligation” of the regime that must be preserved and protected at all costs.

“I have made confronting hate crimes a priority of my administration, establishing a unit dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of civil rights violations,” Rollins further writes.

“While free speech is indeed the cornerstone of our great nation, fear, intimidation, and threats are not. I will not sit idly by and allow hate-based criminal activity to continue in our District.”

Boston Children’s Hospital is committing hate crimes against innocent children who are being manipulated into destroying their own lives

In case you missed it, BCH faced massive backlash after it released a promotional video about how it now performs hysterectomies on underage girls who want to become their “true selves.”



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